Accueil > A propos du LPP > Communication > Actualités archivées > 2020 > The thesis by Giulia Cozzani, former PhD student at LPP, is published in the collection Springer Theses with the distinction "Recognizing outstanding PhD research"
The thesis by Giulia Cozzani, former PhD student at LPP, is published in the collection Springer Theses with the distinction "Recognizing outstanding PhD research"
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Giulia’s thesis "Microphysics of Magnetic Reconnection in Near-Earth Space", proposed by the Doctoral School of Astronomy and Astrophysics of Ile de France for publication in the “Springer Theses” collection, has been selected by Springer as "outstanding PhD research ” and is now a new book in this series, which highlights its innovative research and its impact on the plasma physics community.
The thesis presents recent advances on the physics of magnetic reconnection, investigated via both in situ spacecraft observations and fully-kinetic numerical simulations. Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process in plasma physics during which the topological reconfiguration of the magnetic field leads to energy conversion and particle energization. The thesis focuses on the physics of the Electron Diffusion Region (EDR), a crucial region where the electrons are decoupled from the magnetic field and are efficiently accelerated by the electric field. By using recent, high-resolution measurements provided by the NASA’s Magnetospheric MultiScale mission (MMS), the authors investigate the structure of the EDR at the Earth’s magnetopause and provide evidence for an inhomogeneous and patchy structure, which appears to be much more complex than the laminar picture suggested by previous in situ observations and simulations. The electron dynamics in the EDR is then studied with a novel, fully-kinetic Eulerian Vlasov-Darwin model which has been implemented in the Vlasov-DArwin numerical code (ViDA). The thesis presents the tests done on this new code and then investigate the contribution of the different terms in the generalized Ohm’s law within the EDR, highlighting the importance of the electron inertia term for electrons’ dynamics.
Giulia is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Uppsala, Sweden, where she continues her studies on magnetic reconnection as well as on the mechanisms of particle acceleration and turbulence.
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