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LPP participates in the "Fête de la Science 2021"
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This is it ! The Fête de la Science is back ! The event, whose theme this year is "Eureka ! The thrill of discovery", is celebrating its 30th anniversary.
On the Sorbonne University campus, the science festival will take place from 8 to 10 October and the LPP will participate in the actions of the Plas@Par federation. The detailed program is available here :
On the Ecole polytechnique campus, the science festival will take place from 8 to 9 October 2021. Everyone is delighted that the event will be held in person !
This year, the LPP is involved in several activities on the Ecole polytechnique campus : the animation of the stands in the Grand hall of the X, the visits of the laboratory and the unusual visit.
The "Plasma in all its states" stand in the Grand hall of the Ecole polytechnique
As every year, the LPP will propose animations in the Great Hall of X. The novelty of this year is that, under the banner of the EUR PLASMAScience, federating the plasma activities of 7 laboratories of the IP Paris, a common stand "PLASMA" will be mounted. Open to secondary school students on Friday 8 October and to the general public on Saturday 9 October (afternoon), it will provide a fun and educational way to discover the structure of the atom, the magnetic field, the different types of plasma and many other interesting and amusing things. Twelve researchers, engineers, PhD students and students from the LPP and LPICM have been mobilized to run the stand over two days.
LPP tours
This year the LPP will also offer tours of the laboratory which will take place on Saturday 9 October in the afternoon (3 one-hour tours). For this occasion, brand new roll-ups have been installed and display cases have been set up at the entrance of the laboratory. The aim of the visits is to introduce the general public to the work of three LPP teams : fusion plasmas, space plasmas and cold plasmas. Given the length of the visit, each team will have only twenty minutes to present the most striking, fascinating, interesting and spectacular things ! And at LPP, we have plenty of material ! From the magnetic sensors "made in LPP" to the impressive Torix and the captivating experiments of the "cold plasma" team, the public will have plenty to discover.
The unusual visit
This year the LPP is also involved in an unusual visit, organized by the EUR PLASMAScience in partnership with the CNRS. The concept ? Unusual visits are original guided tours that offer new cultural experiences. They are intended for a small group of people, and should be offered only once. The audience ? A big surprise ! Interested people register online for a tour and answer a short quiz. Among those who answer correctly, a group of 10 participants will be drawn by lot.
The EUR PLASMAScience responded to the CNRS call for proposals for a fun and educational way to discover plasmas and the project was selected by the CNRS. The plasma laboratories are the only ones at IP Paris to offer an unusual visit ! It is in fact a treasure hunt. Participants will have to find answers to a series of questions along the way. The unusual tour has been named "Plasma in all senses". Why this name ? Because the "5 senses" tour (smell plasma, see plasma, hear plasma, touch plasma and “taste” plasma) is the heart of this tour. Participants will have the opportunity to see the invisible, hear the inaudible, touch the impalpable, feel the elusive and taste the impossible ! This tour fits perfectly with this year’s theme "Eureka ! The thrill of discovery".
Six researchers, engineers, doctoral students and post-docs are participating in the design and implementation of the visit, which will take place in two laboratories : the LPP and the LULI. And it is a visit full of surprises : "Xenon", "Hydrogen" and "Helium" will make discover plasmas to the players of 2 competing teams, the team of the ions and the team of the electrons ; LEGO figurines will project plasma, Darth Vador and Luke Skywalker will cross their lightsabers to the sound of the theme of "Stars wars"...At the end, the participants will have the occasion to "eat" the plasma and "drink" spectrum. But, shhhh, no spoilers !
As this trail has an educational objective, the EUR PLASMAScience has paid particular attention to the development of the game questionnaire that accompanies the trail. There will be 3 types of questions : those with an ear image (you have to listen to the researcher), those with an eye image (you have to observe) and those with a "question mark" (you have to ask the presenter questions) and the exercises will be very varied : "tick the right answer", "true or false", "fill in the blanks", "link the information" etc. The answers found will help the participants to remember the most important information. The answers found will help the participants to retain the most important information. The aim is for the audience to leave with a better understanding of what plasma is, what LPP does and what LULI does in this field.
Thank you to all those who participated in the preparation of this year’s “Fête de la science” ! This rich and original program would not have been possible without your involvement !
Contact : Tatiana Juresic (EUR PLASMAScience)
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