Accueil > Séminaires & Soutenances > Séminaires, soutenances de thèses et HDR précédents > 2008 > Séminaires 2008 > Jeudi 4 décembre à 11 h
Jeudi 4 décembre à 11 h
Ozgur Gurcan
Theory of Plasma Turbulence : Turbulence spreading and Potential Vorticity homogenization.
Palaiseau, salle de réunion du CMLS
Starting with the characteristics of plasma turbulence and its contrast
with more familiar fluid turbulence, a short history of the subject and
recent developments in the field will be overviewed. Both the problems
involved in applying common tools developed for fluid systems to the
study of plasma turbulence and the implications of these developments in
plasma turbulence to wider context will be discussed. In particular
turbulence spreading, Potential Vorticity homogenization and its application to plasma turbulence and use of shell models and simple closure technique for the study of spectra of plasma turbulence, will be discussed.