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DGA PhD prize awarded to Constance Duchesne for her research work on the application of cold plasmas for the healing of skin wounds
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Since 2002, the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) then the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) has rewarded young doctors who have received a thesis allowance funded by the DGA for the excellence of their work. The prize was awarded by Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces during the defense innovation forum on November 26, 2021 to 3 researchers including Constance Duchesne, former PhD student of the LPP.
The thesis that Constance carried out at the LPP in the team of Antoine Rousseau and at the Biomedical Research Institute of the Armies of Clamart was entitled "Cold plasmas improve the healing of skin burns by stimulating angiogenesis, the formation of extracellular matrix and inactivating bacteria ”.
Constance demonstrated during her thesis that plasma technology has many advantages for the treatment of severe burns. It stimulates skin cells to promote many healing mechanisms such as the growth of new blood vessels, cell migration and collagen production. In addition, it has been shown that plasma allows the disinfection of skin grafts after burns by inactivating bacteria, even those resistant to antibiotics, which presents an interesting alternative in the context of multi-resistant bacteria responsible for an increasing proportion of Nosocomial infections. Finally, plasma treatment has been shown to promote the activation of macrophages, the primary cells of the immune system during bacterial infections.
This promising research continues at LPP and the Institut Pasteur with the PhDs carried out by Alix Démians d’Archimbaud and Océane Blaise while Constance continues her career as a research engineer at L’Oréal.
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