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Sijun Kim
Brief vitae
- 2024-Present : Post-doctoral researcher, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP), France
- 2023-2024 : Post-doctoral researcher, Chungnam National University, South Korea
- 2015-2023 : MA & Ph.D, Physics, Chungnam National University, South Korea
- 2011-2015 : BA, Physics, Chungnam National University, South Korea
Research interest
- Microwave probe diagnostics, Breakdown in RF plasma, Arcing in RF plasma, Plasma etching (HARC, PE-ALE), Sensors/Process monitoring system (V-I probe, SPOES, QMS)
Computer skills
- Matlab, CST Studio Suite (Microwave, Particle), PIC/MCC-xpdp1
Awards and Honors :
- Received “the best researcher” by Chungnam National University (2023)
- Received “Rising star award” by Chungnam National University (2023)
- Received “Young vacuum scientist award” by Korean Vacuum Socitey (2023)
Publications (ORCiD or Google Scholar)
First and corresponding authors
– 2024 (* : corresponding author)
- Inho Seong, Sijun Kim* et al., A unified global model accompanied with a voltage and current sensor for low-pressure capacitively coupled RF discharge, Appl. Phys. Express 17 096001 (2024)
- Chulhee Cho, Sijun Kim* et al., Initiation mechanism of arcing generated in RF capacitively coupled plasma, Phys. Scr. 99 055603 (2024)
– 2023 (* : corresponding author)
- Si-Jun Kim et al., Computational Study on the Parallel Double-Curling Probe for Multi-Site Electron Density Measurement in Low-Temperature Plasma, Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol. 32 (5) ; 127-133 (2023)
- Inho Seong, Sijun Kim*, et al., Enhancement of Ar Ion Flux on the Substrate by Heterogeneous Charge Transfer Collision of Ar Atom with He Ion in an Inductively Coupled Ar/He Plasma, Materials, 16, 5746 (2023)
- Won-Nyoung Jeong, Si-Jun Kim*, et al., Contribution of Ion Energy and Flux on High-Aspect Ratio SiO2 Etching Characteristics in a Dual-Frequency Capacitively Flux Controlled, Materials, 16, 3820 (2023)
- In-Ho Seong, Si-Jun Kim*, et al., On the Quenching of Electron Temperature in Inductively Coupled Plasma, Materials, 16, 3219 (2023)
- Chul-Hee Cho, Si-Jun Kim*, et al., Determination of Plasma Potential Using an Emissive Probe with Floating Potential Method, Materials, 16, 2762 (2023)
- Si-Jun Kim et al., Development of the Tele-Measurement of Plasma Uniformity via Surface Wave Information (TUSI) Probe for Non-Invasive In-Situ Monitoring of Electron Density Uniformity in Plasma Display Fabrication Process, Sensors, 23, 2521 (2023)
- Sijun Kim et al., Analysis on crossing frequency in transmission microwave frequency spectrum of the cutoff probe, Phys. Plasmas 30, 024501 (2023)
– 2022-2019
- Si-jun Kim et al., Observation of prior light emission before arcing development in a low-temperature plasma with multiple sanpshot analysis, Scientific Reports, 12, 20976 (2022)
- Si-jun Kim et al., Development of a High-Linearity Voltage and Current Probe with a Floating Toroidal Coil : Principle, Demonstration, Design Optimization, and Evaluation, Sensors, 22(15), 5871 (2022)
- Si-jun Kim et al., Development of the measurement of lateral electron density (MOLE) probe applicable to low-pressure plasma diagnostics, Sensors, 22(15), 5487 (2022)
- Si-jun Kim et al., An electrostatic model of the cutoff probe, Current Applied Physics, 39, 289-295 (2022)
- Si-jun Kim et al., Crossing Frequency Method Applicable to Intermediate Pressure Plasma Diagnostics Using the Cutoff Probe, Sensors, 22, 1291 (2022)
- S. J. Kim et al., Finding the optimum design of the planar cutoff probe through a computational study, AIP Advances 11, 025241 (2021)
- Si Jun Kim et al., Effect of an inhomogeneous electron density profile on the transmission microwave frequency spectrum of the cutoff probe, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29 125014 (10pp) (2020)
- Si Jun Kim et al., Computational Characterization of Microwave Planar Cutoff Probes for Non-Invasive Electron Density Measurement in Low-Temperature Plasma : Ring- and Bar-Type Cutoff Probes, Appl. Sci. 10 7066 (2020)
- S. J. Kim et al., A transmission line model of the cutoff probe, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28 055014 (2019)
- S. J. Kim et al., Computational study on influence of RF shielding box on inductance of coil, Plasma Sci. Technol. 21 064004 (2019)