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Olivier Guaitella
Status: Research Engineer, HDR
Email: olivier.guaitella lpp.polytechnique.fr
Tel: +33(0)169335948
Room: 05-1004C / lab 01-1004A
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
Ecole Polytechnique, route de Saclay
F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex
Personnal webpage, and Full publication list
Research interests
CO2 recycling is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Surprisingly, the response that plasma could provide to this challenge raises very similar scientific questions to new polymer deposition processes, biomedical applications or even the study of aerosol evolution in planetary atmospheres!
Non Thermal Plasma interaction with surfaces at medium and high pressure (from 1 mbar to atmospheric pressure and beyond) is crucial for numerous applications but poorly understood. The system consisting of a plasma and a target (wether dielectric, metal, liquid...) need to be studied as a whole. We are developing advanced diagnostics to study both the plasma phase interacting with surfaces and the target itself under direct exposure, with high time and spatial resolution.
This broad context results in three main research topics:
Summary of expertise
Sources: Atmospheric pressure plasmas, Glow and RF capacitive discharges, dielectric barrier discharges, plasma jets, nanoseconde discharges, plasma in liquid
Scientific Topics: ionization waves interaction with surfaces, plasma/catalyst coupling, surface formation of molecules, vibrationnal kinetics
Diagnostics: IR absorption spectroscopy (FTIR, TDLAS, QCL and OFCEAS), Mueller polarimetry, fast imaging, mass spectrometry, emission spectroscopy
Applications: CO2 recycling, Indoor air cleaning, surface treatment, biomedical applications
ongoing PhD student projects:
2015-2018: Elmar Slikboer, plasma surface interaction studied by Mueller Polarimetry, co-supervision with A. Sobota (TU/e) and E. Garcia-Caurel (LPICM, X)
2016-2019: Ana-Sofia Morillo-Candas, plasma surface interaction for CO2 conversion
2017-2020: Audrey Chatain, Experimental study of Titan atmospehre aerosols evolution, co-supervision with N. Carrasco (LATMOS, UVSQ)
2017-2020: Marlous Hofmans, Atmospheric pressure plasma jet interactions with targets, co-supervision with A. Sobota (TU/e)
Current projects
2019-2022 : Scientific coordinator of H2020, ITN-EJD project PIONEERdedicated toplasma conversion of CO2. 15 academic groups, 8 industrial partners in 9 countries
2016-2020 : ANR - JCJC project SYCAMORE dedicated to study of CO2 vibrational kientic of plasma interacting with surfaces
2015-2019 : Partner of ANR - ValCO2Plas in collaboration with IC2MP (Poitiers, leader of the project) for tstudying hte use of alginate catalyticmaterial for CO2 plasmolysis
2015-2018 : Project RESPIRE from Chaire Energie Durable EDF-Ecole polytechnique dedicated to the developement of Mueller Polarimetry Imaging for surface diagnostic under atmospheric pressure plasma exposure
2014-2016 : Air-Clean, ASTRE funded by Essonnes region council, Database dedicated to atmospheric plasma surface reactivity
2014 : 1 year researcher mobility agreement, promoting collaboration between LPP and Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe)
2014 : PAON, funded by "Mission pour l’interdisciplinarité" from CNRS, In situ diagnostics of surfaces under atmospheric pressure plasma exposure
2014 : PLASCAT: funded by "Mission pour l’interdisciplinarité" from CNRS, plasma catalyst coupling for CO2 valorization
Ongoing international collaborations
Pr. R. Engeln, PMP group from TUe Eindhoven (The Nederland), CO2 valorization
Pr. A. Sobota, EPG group from TUe Eindhoven (The Nederland), electric field measurements
Pr V. Guerra and Pr CD. Pintassilgo, IST Lisboa (Portugal), kinetic model of reactive plasma
communications summary)
63 peer reviewed publications
2 patents
14 invited talks in international conferences and more than 120 others communications
Since 2014 lecturer at 19th Internationnal Plasma Summer School, Bad Honnef, Germany and International Chair of the school in 2017-2018
Since 2013 lecturer at Internationnal Summer School of Plas@Par in Roscoff
2012 LOC Secretary of 5th International workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS 2012)
2010 LOC member of 63rd Gaseous Electronic Conference from American Physical Society (63rd GEC)
"Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches"
To obtain my current list of pubication please click HERE
Co-founder of the Workshop Cloud Manager, online system (https://www.erudicio.com/wcm/)
Online tutoring in science: www.cyberprofs.com or www.t-kap.com. Particularly, campus manager for Erudicio.
Classical guitar player (Diploma from Lyon CNR): I’m looking for other guitarist or other instruments player for duets!
Basket Ball (10 years in nationnal championship)