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MMS (2015)
Magnetic reconnection is considered as being an ubiquitous phenomenon in the universe (active galaxy nucleus, pulsar, stellar accretion disk, solar flare, planetary magnetosphere, ...). This mechanism is one of the possible ways for transferring the energy of the magnetic field to charged particles as thermal (heating) and kinetic (acceleration) energies. It is also investigated by laboratory experiments notably with regards to the question of the stability of the plasma confinement by the magnetic field. Numerous theoretical and numerical studies are carried out in order to improve our understanding of this phenomenon. The MMS (Magnetospheric Multi-Scale) mission is a NASA project which will be launched in March 2015. Its main objectives are the in situ investigation of the magnetic reconnection, the particle acceleration and the plasma turbulence in the terrestrial magnetosphere. LPP provides one system of the MMS instrument suite.