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Laure Vermare
Chargée de Recherche 1ere classe, CNRS
Personal Information
E-mail: laure.vermare lpp.polytechnique.fr
Office at LPP Ecole Polytechnique
Phone : (+33) 169 33 58 93
Address : Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128, Palaiseau, CEDEX, France
Office at CEA Cadarache
Phone : (+33) 442 25 49 92
Address : CEA Cadarache, IRFM - bat 508, 13115, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
Research Interests
Turbulence and transport in fusion plasmas, experimental characterization of density fluctuations using micro-wave scattering, wave-number spectrum, dimensionless scaling of turbulent transport, wave propagation in turbulent plasmas, reflectometry techniques
Work Experience
◆ CNRS, Research Associate, 2nd Class (CR2), Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Dec 2007—present
◆ Postdoctoral Researcher, Max-Planck Institut für Plasma Physik (IPP), Garching, Germany, June 2005 —October 2007
◆ PhD, CEA Cadarache (DRFC), France, April 2002—April 2005
◆ Research assistant, P-24 Plasma physics group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico USA, March 2001—December 2001
Selected publications
■ Collisionality scaling in Tore Supra: detailed energy confinement analysis, turbulence measurements and gyrokinetic modelling, Bourdelle C., Gerbaud T., Vermare L. et al., NUCLEAR FUSION, Volume: 51, Issue: 6 , Article Number: 063037, 2011
■ Wavenumber spectrum of micro-turbulence in tokamak plasmas
Vermare L. , Gürcan Ö.D, Hennequin P., Honore C., Garbet X., Giacalone J.C, Sabot R., Clairet F. and the Tore Supra team, COMPTES RENDUS PHYSIQUE, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Pages: 115-122, 2011
■ Impact of collisionality on fluctuation characteristics of micro-turbulence
Vermare L., Hennequin P., Gürcan O.D, Bourdelle C., Clairet F., Garbet X., Sabot R. and the Tore Supra team
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Volume: 18, Issue: 1, Article Number: 012306, 2011
■ Turbulence in the TORE SUPRA Tokamak: Measurements and Validation of Nonlinear Simulations
Casati A, Gerbaud T, Hennequin P, et al., PHYS. REV. LETT. 102 (16) : 165005, 2009
■ Beta dependence of micro-instabilities using linear gyrokinetic simulations
Vermare L, Angioni C, Bottino A, Peeters A.G. and ASDEX Upgrade Team, JOURNAL OF PHYS. : CONF. SERIES 123 : 012040, 2008
■ Study of the beta dependence of confinement and heat transport in ASDEX Upgrade, Vermare L, Ryter F, Angioni C, et al., NUCLEAR FUSION 47 (5) : 490-497, 2007
■ Density fluctuation measurements using X-mode fast sweep reflectometry on Tore Supra, Vermare L, Heuraux S, Clairet F, et al., NUCLEAR FUSION 46 (9) : S743-S759, 2006
■ Rational surface localization and MHD activity measurements using fast sweep reflectometry on Tore Supra, Vermare L, Clairet F, Heuraux S, et al., PLASMA PHYS. AND CONTR. FUSION 47 (11) : 1895-1909, 2005
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